Devi Sankeerthanam - Vishnu Priya mp3 songs download

Vishnu Priya -  album cover
Album Name Devi Sankeerthanam
Artists Vishnu Priya
Label Aditya Music
Total Songs: 8
Added On: 01 Jan, 1970

You can download the "Devi Sankeerthanam" MP3 album by Vishnu Priya, which includes 8 tracks. This is a Telugu album, and all the songs are available for free download Devi Sankeerthanam, Devi Sankeerthanam full mp3 album download mr jatt, Devi Sankeerthanam all songs download mp3.

Track List
Vande Mangala Karini Vishnu Priya
Sirula Talli Ravamma Vishnu Priya
Balatripura Sundari Vishnu Priya
Gayatri Subha Phaladatri Vishnu Priya
Sivankari Jayankari Vishnu Priya
Lali Lali Vishnu Priya
Pahiman Gnana Saraswathi Vishnu Priya
Sri Chakrapura Vasini Vishnu Priya
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